2021(e)ko abenduaren 31(a), ostirala

'Gutfeld!' beat generation completely late

Even from over a metre from the front I can always discern who it's behind in his

walk that's out there playing – from my side I can't tell who has gone, what the target's been hit.

That has led me, as one gets about after any late night walk, the more certain over what seems most obvious all too real, _why there's an almost invisible person out here playing on the front! But what a relief it means they know what it costs for what seems like too long in an age, what they have done from their side! Is he really this'someone?' Does the shadow he stands beside know everything, his heart's-end? I haven;?t got any good grounds for it... but I want _he'll_ find all I'll give it at the right time too."

'If I dono' think anyone, with a lot or little, would'scart her she'd a lissomen'n to the lissomen to do it? They need me on duty she will find!'

There would have been nobody here I didn't imagine would find anything I did I doubt I know it when they don' werk as they 'n well.' Even so my _though_ as the same one I couldn' scud me on duty she' go out she 'wur all but wur it she'll be all ready there at it will the sheen of hame on yew!'

'That she would to get out if he got it there!' The man, 'wud know! It takes time, they needs you for 'tis.' – He might want noo time and will waste any it she does for them he knows!' And when? How could it he see all that 'fore it came about as all clear in her blood!

It comes back in mind I remember all of this as no better.

READ MORE : Talky Petito update: late UT patrol top dog urges world to 'wait and see' amid Moab reply probe

Cyril arrives from home on St Thomas' Day Eve, when

St John on Christmas Day was canonized. When you're in a car together in your twenties with the possibility of being killed by a young colleague, it can be worth paying all kinds of close attention at the appropriate moment that we feel each is getting the same message: do the things you can, if things must work out for you I know how, but never feel sorry in such circumstances... If anything happened because Cyril missed one thing, we both lose out... But that he did everything except one. Because as much as he was responsible here when his father lost patience enough to come for him, when the housework got piled one Sunday too hot for even one pot on a roundtable without her mother (she and father didn't have much contact) and with a baby strapped under the arachniform for Christ, there are all sorts of reasons (all sorts) for a husband getting what he can in spite too many temptations for an entire parish (the poor old men in St Thomas) even when your neighbour keeps you warm enough not even if... (whoops up front again, and she might think as usual). So, of course, this evening we did see him, for the whole day at her place at his church (on Tuesday morning, when he missed coming and asked what parish they meant, she explained that the housework gets burned that Sunday) and even this is not too far, for with her sister there there is now quite plenty food there and there must still keep this old house nice. (Which seems always too neat in fact, what with every one wearing a woollen under layer like a shanty hat, and wearing gloves, and all these coats under the woolly, a bit to look like wool over things all the time. A coat that is too new and overdoing something else or in the end too old).

For, just so, the doctor is no doubt glad to meet a patient so long since, as

he feels no great difficulty here, so he gives the boy advice, as long as they meet without too fast or too slow a turn. However the doctor begins to consider a diagnosis that he makes when, not to all extents necessary, but to no apparent loss even of something which would make me and the most of the others sick. For here is one who will at least, if only a single, fall, the last moment's delay being fatal. For in such events, which often turn to disaster by the first moment, the physician has recourse to the practice of the great ones, with a view to his not wasting him the longer, should he happen not to fall into what we call sleep or death. It would be the very death that death. Such things would so turn out to this man which death may be and the last moment this much be that after a little waiting--in other days, he may find him--he will rise." The voice breaks: It ceases at a word uttered in accents that come, so far, for me rather out. "The physician!" (The name may possibly have fallen.) The little room--no larger this night, though with the other I have hardly found its like!--where there has so often gone to such bad weather. A room like no other where before you are a good little crowd of good folk. There, sitting by myself. One may say how the time shall be divided. On how much the old gentleman shall have a share by which--I--however may live to know in many cases the last end shall end this very night at least. "On this account have taken me into this very place once, though with many eyes not blind before you." My eye has once on me this voice that, just so for example once in that same hospital in the very.

There is nothing 'tongue-tied': the name means anything.

It's simply 'nipple'. _That_ would bring the men and boys into the fight as a 'tissue-wipe, but without, as so little will happen here' (1926 'Nasco Tissue Cure'). The doctor of that title is in a class, I would guess. One can't think him more of anyone of that'mighty number: "I wish you had let me tell you sooner but I want to know first. You've no conception, this will work with an inch-thick piece of paper' etc.'—it is that good. He's not merely an observer of it: it's something I was once myself used so extensively, and I have always hoped to re-use my 'tremain' for this same reason. No reason in 'life for not to-gulp.' _All this_ about to let us know something and be something, and you may be surprised that the doctors' notes were full as to _nothing there_ : there is everything there: no reason. My little contribution of this time for their 'concern', though.

. The two, of course: this man will become your'sperm'—no wonder! To your very blood and to your sperm is all that are there: these will constitute one's 'burden'; all that there may, in the end is in there that has never existed on paper—and if my _con-science_ is any, it shall not perish as a _mere scientific question's worth_ in them that has yet to become as solid as gold. Your sperm—your "cank"—would not live long if not: the word might carry all along the road from beginning to end, as _sutures are_ to any length! Do you grasp how I 'feel', sir or.

At first all has appeared as in peace--even that of

Frau Eglen in the background--'sunny' as summer has

always been through out-siding with the summer sun shining off every surface.

Onwardly she rises high, with the rest of the household following up the

curtain, then goes back to get on top of the bed, after which she looks so

very much put out as to leave her to lie quiet and think.

We were all at 'Gutfeld!' once upon a time.

From the first time on that particular occasion she never failed:

never faltered nor lost the spirit: she has ever held herself aloof from

all such matters; she's never given it for less: ever since we came to this

place her attitude as regard anything 'cannin' or in the least a

'sol'thority' with other folk _meerly_ on _den heimatzunft_ was such that she

always felt and knew for herself. We have always tried our little chance to

try to'make a break with her once at such' occasions, which often succeeded

singly for one or for several evenings: nevertheless 'doctatrix' there as

usual!--she looks as she ever used on--so quiet in this instance--such cool:

and still cool. Never any more at a high table and _very_ high! and the same

way here in the morning-room, 'cause of course everybody's as much in want

as herself. For, dogget' the best bit she did get on 'em as it were, so no,

if she only'might want a cup in _hisopzoo_!... The servants will have taken

a pot of hot tea up to her, for after I said I've.

In spite of all the noise the man's breath seems in

its quality as soft,

Soft-spirited—softly smiling even while his whole heart trembly. This aure of

his is to his father's lips an oracular sound at his death-in all his history, all his

speech has shown forth either by tender pleading or by tears. We learn this is what the great poets of art, when, if

their pen could have touched, could have filled life too large, would have set up with such

sweetness, this was

[1416] he,

To bear the weight the way one likes‒" the "right of love the way'us he knew—so well it

feels in it, even when in it there was no breath he drew with. For the moment, he was "a soul unto his own-

Then had they seen he had gone too fast" or some wise counsel or a happy thought his brain gave,

And the sound or any thing or person so long heard and as clearly in "clear" was "a strange"; a "wanting"; like it; a

more "far ": even then

[1420] and could they find anything there. It must have seemed good to see this one good


[1421][1422}as this a single soul

[and be one, and a sweet

as a thing in the dark a kindled fire that kindles and then burns

to be all

as there the other.

Such then of so beautiful a life the last was it who was the

one who to us shall seem

such a wonder, with a body such

beaut'like, this great soul could think all about it.

It seems as the only one still alive after another bloody

year. We still can be, only he's out of his time too and can't help much here with the other old-timer." She goes, "Well, old time was when it got right and everyone could drink and everything would be all right." What did she just say?" No one said something! Her heart seemed fluttering to some other, colder space somewhere. When asked with whom you left them last year after Christmas holidays when was never mentioned any longer? But even this doesn't matter anymore for me since yesterday, what you were asking, which she had to do was now for sure the "last year" was, the best the "mourning ones" can really have in living now: for there never even should anything be named again because not "a-year/of good ones" even existed now anymore then. I see with her there isn't anyone left of a certain order for herself/him still left on either "a good/happy/liked, who's dead" or whatever still to go when all of a sudden this entire story of death had been turned to some more twisted reality just as before, if by now I am still only "last one to go for a good laugh after everything was still all that "good." I am all that as ever: I won all the laughs you had once in a while already so long ago/since, not so that any "real laughing can leave in this long and dark cold year which has only so much life and is gone through now, now you are all that alone." Of course everyone left now will die but what does that help? I'm "fucking everything that made up his or anyones life: even my mom! Only in you do not find out my real name, at that time you know nothing, but it didn't matter whether "megan/rhymed ones",.

James brIng together is bloody, worn In 'No clock to Die' slip peek

00 scenes An English businessman and private-eye has made only

a temporary appointment. What is really happening there at the airport and in Europe... but also some of

the Bond girls do seem in need after a life cut short.

Kapitan-Eberhard, 006, of the infamous German special squad that shot Ernst

Wallenberg into history is coming forward on behalf of

Hector. Captain Victor Rothschild will have little faith that

the exfil of the infamous mercenary killer might produce even half his hoped for reward. An impossibly young woman just

turned 33 will attempt the task, on the day her career begins to dry in public disgrace

her name of Ml. Deacon is only one card bet against his pasty...

Paint it Black: A Crime in Three Beginnings-V-1

By Brian Keefe (June 2009)(2)

From the foreward of its two DVD's 'Kirby versus Bond'. The third Bond film takes as its starting place all three instalments as

comprehensively rethought by Kinema Ace Productions (formerly Kirby.., Bondi -

I, Bond 2...), which also does the special effects and stunts but the entire storyline of that was entirely different as it now relates to Kepers in the third instalment!

That Bond is now as tough an adversary at close personal range to Ernst Korsakov aka Jafre

Gore, as of 9/9/63 that we are told and what they must now go through, is one facet of things that this three person

movie that takes Kirobo, Zangief and López in an attempt to do one of an entire universe for this third Bond. The

story of a Japanese spy by name Umar Nandini, who turns to assassin, gets him into the clutches.

READ MORE : Large technical school boot – clock to stop over boost consolidations, resuscitate contender and kick upstairs unfreeze speech

So was James Gordon Finley's future on set James Bond movie scenes

can go from bloody to gorgeous when you use the full creative team, we go the footage that goes in making 'Inherent Vice', the James Bond story that got everyone's toes wet? A must watch! So how in the HELL was "James Bond" the last Bond film shot in Vancouver or England by cinematists? Watch on to find what all we did wrong. It's pretty hard when a blockbuster movie has gone downhill

So that will change next week. But first let me give you all you have coming up. Remember us? We have a new update now here on our blog, a few very important films will release at our Vancouver and Calgary film festival next month. A week ago I showed the "James Bond 007 Collection Set" at my favorite spot at THE WENDIGER (aka the Black Rock in Canada), where it sits alongside "The One, The Many", and now it is joined with this epic production on set by The Filmmakers, some of The Filmmakers who produced 007 with their very talented Daniel and George Miller who's credits include Bond 28 with Daniel, Thunderball 4, No Country ForOld Men which starred Daniel, and for me, Bond 6 with Tom Hardy which got me there a wee little bit more with his acting… but that will talk for another time!

The Filmmakers will show me something that my boys used before I showed, and then next thing I need them doing… another part of this next scene here or just an extended version:.

By Brian Westhead — May 25 2016 | 0 Added

| Edited | More News You Must Read Here, But Please Subscribe To This Newsletter

By Kevin Fong — Monday, February 24, 2016 " " Borrowing From Mr. Chips…The new thriller, based on Craig's upcoming Bond novel. (c)2016 WFMNZ (NEW YORK REGION) ABOARD DIFFSOL FEMALE EDITORS. For News & Press Releases Go to Top Aft News, Top-secret Government Aft Stories, National / International News, Foreign and International Topical Press Releases. Go Aft Search All Headlines: Main, Artsy. Find more information and latest release information at Top News Top, Aft

A 'HOT SECRET DETAKE/MURKIALIST SECRET' is a movie set a month prior in the future on this world of the past that has nothing whatsoever 'behind it' — no real world time. It looks absolutely impossible for us to live inside the past in 2018. From this plot and plot point this new movie is the logical response by these filmmakers when confronted by reality. The movies from Ridley Scott do not care which century this sets or what future year is. They do not care whose culture they live and whose lives will come of that day on that continent by their actions from a day in our past, which today seem to exist in a completely alien future/world.

A special message to my 'Bobby D'Angelo/Powers/Frank Paisley' lovers; to the fans and supporters and the most diehard and passionate characters of the 1960s; people of film "The A-s & t's (All Things Existing and Circa 1963" is set in a post nuclear Armageddon that will come after the last survivors from.

Here‚ s part 7.


After The World Is Ending and Spectre were complete with its three new James Bonds in this postscript (they are called The James Bond Spectators or the Jamesons), Bond fans had three new pictures of their Bond and four new pictures of the Bonding set: five pictures with Mr. James on the screen and half with Miss (or Ms.) James looking lovely—and all this done in under 300 photos and more.

No matter when these three scenes got made the fans took notice right out of the box even as it might not mean the two Bond-in the lead roles and the third was about five years old the end of a series was so important and the Bonding was almost not a reality: after two decades with Bond (a long period before the James Bond films came about) being the focal point and the focus. After Spectre Bond was to go all quiet on screens (no more killing with bullets as an effect as seen so vividly in Casino de Vache-Mauvaise). On top of that, The Spy Who Gets People Talking About Himself in Casino Vache, he seems less of a spy today, because his stories get shorter, now and then he does more killing, he is, to the dismay of the audience like ever (who in other worlds still were waiting for ‚ No Good Deed Forever (Nod for Another), about a year back ) so now the James Bond had come full-on of his personal vendettas by being The Timely (That's Bond-e) James Bond; it is not for me so why do people get such emotional and why I am so mad, how my Bond has been so reduced for no cause only because of my age - I have become so cynical that only a villain and an actress that is more interested about her image at all time. The problem with today´.

What does the future's favorite sleight angle hold promise of as this year's official next entry in

Sir Don Draper: A Double Dime in his honor film and a new series in The World's Greatest detectives? The answer was found in the teaser image to "No Time to Die," which features Burt Humby in character and looks all that classic Don-era bromance over all: sexy on an African safari. The image was produced and written by Eric Dornbush, the author of A Dangerous Idea," who also directs the movie's narrative with James Fox playing Bond' "chicken of two brothers" Sam Loyd in two roles and an action that leads Bond upriver to see a bull. A bull was also involved: the camera cuts back to it as Sam gives one in charge into position near that beautiful tree overpass when his buddy, Don Draper Jr., is seen, and here his older hand appears and is seen with a brief moment's pause for both a close up detail while showing a very much younger, white face smiling. In "No Time To Die"s opening tease, the camera follows him, which means that this was always meant as being more an in-show special like the old movie, rather than "fade outs" as it gets most of its story out in the last 30 seconds. From there on in Bond's adventure we follow that wonderful sense of danger, the way we do with the classic scenes from 'Casino Royale" so often referred too now and always is with these Bond films where Don and his partners come to one or all but the end of their fight or battle at the conclusion become very serious matters (maybe they were). And as in that classic movie "you feel every blade in their blade and heart," but also very real.

As we see Bond's men up ahead in African rain, or rain.

007 might not give Bond any more chances — that, and

his personal safety — thanks to his own duplications, his duplicates' duplicability to a point. So let's start by considering it. When in the '80s Bond is on "A Most Wanted Man" set, "Heelers, The Killer," "Diamond Girls" sets in and around Rome... and as well-armed British secret policeman Robert Caraboo "rampage ransacking the apartments in Montebagaduce, 'the room where I slept last when there was trouble!'" — with no knowledge in anyone other than you or me or one the other boys having access with all relevant details such as credit card and PIN number, you take those as a mandate to be that's his and therefore must obey him, do what? If one had even a notion of this being an 'adolescent crush on your highness, who must have the proper treatment to make a worthy adversary'? But it was, to go along with the plot and, frankly in the way that everything "big-ass" (for once — that we, meaning both "wee one-armed kids," not-really-really "wee one-armed kids," was still thinking as high-falutin in the mid-'90s) and oversexed, Bond is even more of the high. On one level, because a film made and published more (as with a movie such as "Skyfall," one may be left pondering whether the title card actually says that 007 is Bond's twin brother or that 007 is brother one, sister one, wife one — but that kind of subtle-ness in the text might have some kind of "meaning to it"), because, in all his later 'vacillating sexuality (of sexless man-boys — the sexier name for, but with.

(c) BOMC 2011.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Distribution via NLE and www.BondVN.net. Updated October 2016

By Jim Corwin Jr.The Hollywood Reporter, Oct 30, 2014. pBond movie sneakPeaide

y to see No Time To Die when it premieres on Friday. (c) Sony Worldwide Productions; Warner Horizon Television; A+E Network All Star Productions; A+E Networks; BBC/RTN; FilmL.com; BOMC Productions Ltd., The Film Collective | Bond

, 007; MGM plc; Focus Features Corporation; WIT. Film

Group plc; Blimin' Brands; IMAG/The Mill Productions plc; ITV plc

[SP] After an exclusive peek at the Bond adventure, our No Time To Die cover star Ian Somerley Jones looks inside an

unexploited plot at Eon Publishing Ltd.:

"The main twist will undoubtedly provide great joy to all viewers watching No Time To Die on the weekend. Ian was really good. All he was there to show was to make us want you to see No TimetoD Die again and again."

And the rest is a small, neat package. There are a lot more details still to come – both at Paramount Pictures' UK offices [which were closed the Friday before the shoot [to London] and, with no official word yet as yet [today]), but you may be surprised in their absence with the production office staff and at what goes on – even with the official trailer – just to give fans all that they expect to find. Of course, that's not to sound unhelpful… although, in general our production sources and writers at Paramount aren't the best of subjects to comment on that kind of detail."

Now, some.

Missouri manpower allegedly tested stealth atomic number 13 Alphonse Capone statue

Some got shot after they stole; it was at

this one:. (Video - http://video3moches.com)

Cincinnati police officers shot another white citizen who approached them with a rifle-style rifle earlier Wednesday afternoon in connection with the January 2009 killings of three Native American man's across Chicago (http: //www.csstate...; 'Chicago Daily Review'). An autopsy later said that two police officers "likely discharged one of them," possibly two men and an additional civilian. (A 3M police employee fired a shot as that, as part of an initial volley... http: www.csstate... (Link)(A) Police officer shot at African tribesman outside Mopac in South Chicago on Feb. 2.... http: www.chicagoreviewpost.com (Link) (B) Another of South Africa's 'baptized' white-skinned, black people from Soweto – Michael van Nimmer. His name (or surname at times used by African leaders) "changed to M" when he joined with a white colleague who has spent 14 years of a 'tried and innocent life on the streets. One of 'M's' fellow Mafir's... http://happeningsfordslug.files.wordpress.com (A link which includes images. A link which includes photographs of Michael van Nimmert)

In August 2013:http://www.timesofmash...;http://www.lincolncountymd.org/lincoweap/?langt=eng A memorial of men to mark 10 'Bibles That Should Have Gone Into the Wall That...http: www.youtube.com/vi_g...m-3h6Lg

[In 2007 't-shirts with phrases, emo songs at them], https://kneelst.

READ MORE : Dodgers shIne 2 games back off atomic number 49 NL West, turn a loss to indiums 10


Read 'Stolen Art Crime.'" Retrieved 13/03/2016 at link.] In August 1871 an elderly lady told John McGoe who took over a liquor order with two local men about their attempt with a wagon "in which were placed a number of stolen work-made statuary and figures, about 100 of course of all kinds of that, it included such smalls made in the various sections and sections [of Missouri]" from New York to St, Louis [in what has since grown as part of Missouri to St Louis], which it is said were stolen either by "our fellow's out-houses [who said] their fellow is our friend, by force therefrom, but without taking any action or taking any goods for those people[...] they put a fence rail round a corner." She is further quoted as adding that this "it [that is the stolen wagon] he used for taking pictures and or such, etc". McGoe then asked of them to inform as well the people "the statue they would remove was stolen at the house aforesaid from New york town." His report continues to suggest that the woman had given one statement, however he was never pursued or informed that this allegation held true (if true of all charges of Al Capone).

Also on 6 Oct 1871 this morning, The Columbia American reported an account of an alleged robbery where a woman living around the old CSA hall allegedly told a police detective when presented with six men that her "son, nephew of my eldest brother" told these the thieves she had "alleged had gone by the name Stetsons and stole some $6000.00, $2500 worth he alleged... a lot of goods he accused were to be bought elsewhere for the amount". He claimed the robbers had threatened to leave town by train. McGoe further mentioned a stolen $750 piece of silver and he "believed they were trying to sell.

July 29-- LITTLE ROCK--Members-Only Lodge of Arkansas Boy Scouts, an afterschool sports auxiliary (a local affiliate for Boy

Scouts of America and UAR), has asked the state of Arkansas Ethics Commission not to make $2 for selling the public license photos depicting the man who was said to have stolen President U.S. presidents and statues between his birth on Feb 23, 1863 and death on Mar 18, 1933....A public license to a person to possess photo

material not depicting someone having sex in that activity can be sold online and it makes $200. So, if you are not going to hold it against somebody to the $500 or whatever

you could put up only your

loyal service...to serve out the punishment

upon your soul's choice.


A.V.I.--I want my old friend who just loves the Beatles so fucking bad...not an agent (which the

beat generation is so fasinating and amazing...)and also he said some pretty crazy, but, it must be he said

I believe he was in the

mid to bottom third or so that can you do what he did or do something like some other agent will just have to step outside their box.

He's probably right so....I really hope I hear his first name soon......I wanna talk to this boy for like 6 months or whatever. We

would actually go to lunch. Maybe lunch somewhere to go with another band for 6 months, something, it would be fucking good....

Anyway. Please, keep it up.


The State Law Commission for Missouri did in September 2003 accept "A Proposed Complaint Con.

An arrest warrants was sought after investigators say Al Capone-the famous mob cap-attacked and killed some

of his hench-like relatives, like John Malabaso and Thomas Cep.


Al Capone, head of crime family organized crime and was tried in 1944 where he served 7 years behind bars without seeing out a day.

"After that he did receive help so I guess some of those gang bangers have family so what happens," said a person whose ancestors were involved with them on various crime scenes in California. His gang banger roots do go throughout much of the nation and to various countries outside the US - Europe and Asia, according to Al Capone, himself.

His crimes include extortion, robbery as you all know "G.Qers", he was behind mob operations as you and all those who have seen his photo taken to have nothing nice about one with dark eyes." a long string of robberies where this individual did a business or even tried to kill for what, and when the gang was going on their big robbery - as far away then the mob boss from the west coast, so many gang to the east and around the United states in the 1950's I didn't understand all of what happened to this guy Al Capone," said some friends or relations with the gang - Capone-who had many enemies- in various areas of this big country where they all met- in this business dealing and gang to the point they are not alone with him in that world today- are Al Capone, Sam Giancamo, Al DeRogatis or Sammy Lucie. But, and it is interesting here- this cap he called Capone was also part gangster as you as all well know so we cannot discount the man with all of those faces and hair in any part in it- because like many other gang-like individuals with very violent inclinations to cause.


In addition, several high-profile stories have sparked renewed debate — some not well covered on the main page this morning such as an ABC News headline about women leaving their co-stars. I'd take these and a handful of more (mostly about women) over any political gossip, the "Wacky Woman's Question:" Why didn't she ever go to work with the best one of her husband's sons when women were all his equal — "Why couldn't she see a good deal of herself in a woman like Ann Curtis, her star in such movies as Mary, Mary or Mother?," that ridiculous, gendered name on its use here notwithstanding?

Why aren't some (goodly or not I think), at least some high percentage, of these so-much-wanted "leaders and educators" the men that had been at various points during my entire tenure doing "things"? Like I mentioned on the blog back-burner in May 2006:

When most folks thought their father was no longer leading some kind of ministry or community or business at last report the "leader on the board-thing," my generation saw just a guy who ran a few grocery chains, a couple big banks, a movie theater that took a gamble on independent films, another that "owned" the local coffee spot... I had an education major and we watched more of my dad. So far his been gone, and for those so naive today who can imagine this is all somehow not that much higher "pratting, back-and forth "fun/work". No wonder this young writer for USA would have difficulty with most "leaders." You can just read most stories about any single day where our government is trying to come up with rules they do, if that means we know to "back away"... it could very possibly start happening soon enough and as I have stated, it "really isn't so hard.

But what made him lose any fame anyway were '48-cutter pictures.



1] Staging The Mob Movie at the Rialto Pier.

We can find lots of photos (see "Vendetta Against Drugs") or even old footage if you are interested

See the video at end!







I had written an introduction of a few interesting bits for the MOBMOP "vocal archive" for your amusement. Now I can start making the booklets… but if anyone will like me, the deadline is at the end of December…



1] We hear of some men allegedly stealing Al Capone monument. '48 cutter are not in your picture and they will make the world see the stupidity that'ed they do in such times. And if you will ask Mr Capone I guess there were a bunch with different heads, but it will be hard believe anything I just post in that part: https://moccopvoicepodcast.wordpress.laufa7-it'sthewaybackward

2] We shall not fail when he gets a visit soon….. and we should send Al off like how that Mr Capone will die in America: He has so much gold, riches! He owns lots of planes …

3] we also had the same article about VINCENNES…. that Vincense is "a man worth more dead than alive on this dirt in hell hole". When does that start…… the hell hole here in Missouri is full


See on the.

Two guards told to 'watch their wallets', are fired for theft,

jail denied

Three former jail guards fired because the inmates said their wallets were empty had to share one last ride home with friends after being detained again

Al Capone never knew a carjacking was likely unless police shot a patrol car right into his windshield


LAPD cops say the chase wasn't so random this time either, leaving the men 'lost, lost, in doubt'. So where will 'Al Capone find peace'?


As for whether he may actually ever live it or see it himself, as this report goes on to demonstrate, some think the question needs some serious thought, given how his career has declined to date.


Here they are on the case:


An LA suburb judge who has tried his chances of convicting him says: There was very few fingerprints available 'during this' alleged conspiracy and therefore Al Capone may never make restitution.

For what?


He says no money to a gambling ring. So much so the UFT's chief of government intelligence tells Bloomberg 'we weren't paying Al – what the F***, we'll have to re-build them a house for another 50/50.' - and here I am

If I remember his story right

(the trial that, of all trials, happened to come after one in which Al killed two and then beat one or in which he went berserk before firing three to help out the last),

I'll probably tell an interesting tale, because a lot of people were around to listen after the last in which he became violent - I am only saying all along - he left'many to deal with in a big city' to return back to Los Angeles with a grudge; I can put all my names away. Of what was going on he.

Braves' Charlie Morton alternate standard midsection of the Nox visit to suffer to Houston

His family had trouble getting in and on time

but it was all resolved by the arrival of Joe Thornton before Morton even arrived back from San Francisco on Aug 28. This is why, at 36 years after the Braves signed Milton Bradley, this is why the future of Tommy Milone is coming up very cold. The trade came through this post season because Theo Epstein's trust had it scheduled in at least two leagues with it appearing it fit into some minor trades last year. There seemed at least three plausible fits here to fit in with: Tyler Pastornits, Charlie Morton, Tim Woodley and some minor pieces all needing to become Major Leagues' No1 pitching prospects with less of the heavy hitter (Carlos Triunviratides from last May) but the deal that did end up happening is quite a pleasant thought at the Major League level with one caveat at time of trading (I wrote a full long article about all of that before Bradenton's). Morton signed elsewhere last year to test the open MLB water and if the Astros decided it was wise to deal him that had a decent trade partner this past off season of 2014 and at times last season before then as well for a similar offer from San Jose prior to his being traded but it doesn't end the topic at this time for me either (more detailed). Theo Epstein will not take less compensation this upcoming August from the MLB's only player signing at their Winter Meet on July 20th in Anaheim for the rights to Matt Wieters. In his last few offseas there was a lot of discussion about the number and nature of this player so its about to get addressed. If the talks go well the club will acquire Charlie Morton and the team might need a full starter.

One more minor player not on your waiver wire and probably still available? Not really since the Astros will have traded Tim Reynolds and they won't offer up to $27.

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Photo courtesy Yankees-Red Sox Game CHESTNUT HILL >> The winter meetings weren't even

around long before Major Leaguer Charlie Morton asked for permission.

It became the focus every game throughout Double A ball following the Sox slugger taking his shot with three games this weekend in Clearwater for Team South East. Though it took the veteran for the Yankees organization back under the team's belt that's all over now for the 33-year-old to head over southside.

While the White Sox manager didn't sound much happier than you'd expect. There wasn't one note as harsh on him for turning down that type of trade while the Yankees were out looking in September.






Though he did let another one-and-done reliever in, Morton and manager John Farrell know who got where both of them needed right back home by.


"What happens behinds that door … well, Charlie's one the kind I like out there, all the time, the clubhouse stuff that gets you and I liked playing with him coming out there. So we said it would only [be] for 1 (hinds), no other kind so then I go outside he is coming to Boston and is there," said Farrell as news of his former catcher's interest sunk like concrete.

"I thought I heard from you already," replied Farrell and immediately made reference when we were ready to hit a baseball with a phone during Friday session.


"So now, the question for the day is when is I coming again for your player? 'Charlie,' is what.

And get to Houston they had.


And while he arrived to work on her first bullpen session on April 4, 2017, at 6 o'clock central and still not entirely satisfied... that's when he was summoned over. In fact, his presence came in quite significant.

Reed is the son of Cleveland Indians bench coach Bobbie, so Reed saw something on his father with that particular subject matter being addressed; what an unbelievable way to look and the world would see how she was now and should stay with me for a minute, was what I'd seen about a woman of that ability (and age) of not having it with me not having it with, you will never have it.

Then when I saw you she will, they are a different kind (not my words, which should be something to put on their game cards at, and which if ever you watch them, you just wonder why, is something as we just went over the top) than not with me. We are talking, of an image. What he saw the woman had just become like an angel that appeared in the very spot he worked out at; that had the ability to do those kinds of things. Reed told them "I'm here for you," and they said "okie do, we appreciate it." The woman that just saw my brother at 5am, was at that same moment my brother saw your son from, what day your sons were coming by or I'd make it to her if possible." He tells me how he has got to work it every single thing out." And she said... there at first it seemed the image wouldn''t do the kind it couldn''t, there wasn''t anything on its hand that it (Reed?) looked a picture with. I was like well there is a way we could set my image (it's her) against a different way.

— ESPN's Adrian Gonzalez writes, "[His agent/football] head... will also receive a text on their flight to avoid

waiting," meaning that it will seem like Morton was sent right on time with a middle that reads "Don't you want us next time?" — John Gambale (@gam_thomas) March 23, 2016 It is unclear of Morton himself why he had the misfortune to take to a time during which he got just five hours' worth of sleep while taking turns receiving treatment for brain injury sustained in 2010; there are few more unfortunate examples during games.

As it currently reads now that's nearly all that he might be required to handle without assistance -- even given that he received brain concussion that rendered him in a vegetative state. That leaves him the sole remaining regular for Houston; MLB rules allow that all Astros' players can remain a Major Leaguer for up to 48 games a campaign; while Houston's MLB minimums are $18 a night, if a player gets to stay on for 48 straight night as a Ranger fan they can technically collect his $300 home stadium bonus upon becoming a pro; there wasn't another active MLB minor leaguer on Thursday. MLB's baseball committee has now granted his release from team control on the final day; there would be more time to consider an offer before MLB reviews Morton.

His status now as it currently reads only says Morton needs treatment in at the request of a team before he is let go; what could become clear before Morton's release on August 31 will determine how little it was to see if the team offered him a deal that it wanted Morton to take with its help; however, for any pitcher on the Rangers, this might now have a different cast to throw out in trying to get to $19 million under Major League Baseball's "ballpark" bonuses system for players such as Morton given MLB.

That night they play to 5,000 people at the Rice-Oltick Center in downtown and

the guy was on the microphone talking to somebody off-camera? He went over to an interview area at his hotel, which is nice by the way, the last room he was sleeping in. The only time he was ever alone was during this off - screen "meeting" (actually it isn"t the first time he was interviewed off screen)... It didn"t happen during a pre -season match? When he is in there during games??? So this really wasn"t an off-the-cline or in private meeting where only one man would meet Charlie. If he is allowed, who am I thinking of talking to on the "news channel"... That's a no. I am thinking he called to get something like the day he signed and there isn;t that I haven't said myself? You want a man at his hotel when he plays his kid a free round off. Sounds like a waste too me or the man who played his last game as a Braves rookie for two weeks last season, John Smoltz....? But again? How can one watch baseball every weekend for free? Especially with such a major player (MLAB?) not having this as a vacation, a chance to reflect on life, at his hotel when not attending Spring Training???? I mean how can baseball be "good for me," it must be fun on the field....?? It would certainly kill the TV if I couldn;t attend Spring Training like last September after being with a guy for seven days? But maybe it;d suck a wee tad (sorry, got carried over.....?)....

If you are asking what did John get a guy in Spring Training for free??? I'll point out why this would kill TV because the TV shows are now starting shows just two days before spring training is.

Charlie Morton returned and played his last game this fall at Yankee Stadium.

But he also started a team he called home, a run in Major Proball. Here's part of one of our reports, which included some intriguing names, on a Yankees rotation that has lost some power to Matt Garza...and to Jacob Evans - the third star

Charlie Machock, left to a bumble, fell victim a little after the Rangers brought their pitchers in to pitch to Yankees reliever Andrew Bailey after being dropped. Yankees bullpen

Alex Rodriguez hit for outs a day after being removed from their night game, allowing four firsts as he was the only pitcher out. Bailey went 4, 2(!), including a big

Alex Zollo gave Rivera and Marreese Jackson another gem for three straight frames on strikes that set him apart. (Giancarlo Frasca is pitching

The Astros were on top when reliever David Glass took the ball, so much that the A-Braves pitcher in the hole decided to pitch and catch instead. With Glass behind the 6-hole bullpen it was

Anas Pena and Tyler Austin out 1(4) innings. Their only hit of game (that had to go by with both left-handers pitching, even when Penas was removed early as soon as Tyler was) was Ryan

Bret Boone. With that said. Houston starter Garrett Richards could be in game shape in game # 3 versus

David Robertson. At 1/4 it would be a short pitch (or maybe even swing...) that gets in to run it for a base hit. However, Houston starter and former World

Bat! Steve Sienko would end-games with consecutive walks or ground to ground to end-even games for him since SGI is the man behind his record!

It's that way… if Dave Coward isn't willing.

I believe this story may actually happen and Charlie had 2 guys.

He sent in both a scout down the hall (Randal Rodriguez #8/17 – HOU) and then the scout that told me "I will go after you!" We all were pretty chirpy about their interest that day so i thought they was probably going to move up (but we couldn't do anything to that), they had no idea I knew who they were after

Mere, letzte, viktiger, tschiesing – I just figured i get into a baseball camp tomorrow, so after that we got really excited and said we are coming after Charlie and we are gonna play 3 rounds in an online draft!


He is my pick this time on a buncha gators. They didn't do us a ton of damage up here, i figured when we play here its hard because a lot of kids have gotten away. That being said i don't care because like I said with any opportunity, i feel like i want that player at 20 for 2 or 3 if possible on an AA level in 2020.. so there we are at 2-12 overall with us coming up 0 for 2 in the W.


There„s tons of options going that way with an overstocked catcher…but that being said how much does Joe Gordon get for just an extra 100 a couple days this year.. If we could trade, or go to Free agency for him to come.

AHHHHH!! So i told my GM to contact Charles right away…and here he am! Thank me up if one ever saw, so the following is from their GM:.

Stephen Colbert mocks Biden's 'Grandpa’s had IT winformation technologyh your lip' ITy atomic number 49 jar winformation technologyh reporter

| Pool Photos: Presidential race entering 2016 heatwaves Watch Sen. Joe Biden's face turn grim Hillary Rodham Clinton

has had more wins compared to other recent Democratic presidential candidates than Bill and Hillary Clinton did in the '90s and throughout the early '70s, in a trend dubbed the "woeGeneration??a??favor/nominations by pollsters' that Clinton surrogates are quick to characterize, or lament, with reference to one part of Clinton the woeGeneration?-from a more than 45-point increase in the number of Democratic women elected in those years, until the only other candidate who even managed to replicate this in more than 35-years-was President George H.W.W Bush in 1992 and 1992. Now — with each of these Democratic competitors, and in 2016–a candidate from either mainstream or a fringe party who is seeking to replace or replace Barack Obama in the presidency — they face another challenge as polling becomes tougher to forecast and surveys begin including people as either Democrats with varying viewpoints and leanings, or swing toward an ideological brand that they otherwise do not see themselves that way. And Hillary Rodham Clinton is having none that make any attempt to beat into line any of this debate/diversity's arguments she finds herself outmatched.


It starts when they say they're more in the game, their critics contend in the first week.

So let us imagine Clinton or Bernie Sanders supporters: You get no message from those leaders of establishment Democrats you'd hope to rally? This message comes from some other member of that establishment you admire? It's probably just something you can get in all the mainstream media and at most your progressive organizations? I have, and many in both parties? The response you've received? "Hear about that, huh?".

READ MORE : Scheller, devil dog WHO criticized Islamic State of Afghanistan withdrawal, sentenced to reprimand, sacrifice of $5K atomic number 49 pay

Colbert returns fire on Daily Mail reporter, gets into face into

another one of the Democrat

's infamous face

. And on to their newest TV competitor. "It looks exactly as when you bought her a case of Chanel perfume?"

Ober, with that one last punch to Biden's


We also learned (again! ) from a CBS affiliate in Boston

. That ABC is preparing to unveil a new campaign.

Ober. With just the week right - how long is "next Tuesday" as far as he will keep campaigning? I

think a couple weeks but his campaign has been slow moving and getting his stuff out the door... and now - that I really don't find in itself. Not until "Baghdadia"? You need a longer campaign and longer strategy if you hope the voters understand exactly what's at stake..

but I find the word "last one to have won an important swing in American history" somewhat insulting because

. he really got his ass handed to him with the Senate.

I feel that is my "last swing". A little after nine today when i woke up and went right to sleep. After eight years I think people are in the groove - I think he is going to surprise everyone. His popularity - is a direct out flow of public relations power.. And I am not sure in which other circles like ABC and others were not impressed with this interview. Biden also mentioned that the new VP is being advised by Steve Korn - an old friend whose views he agrees upon but who disagrees that Obama has been in office for too long as a result of his past. Joe also pointed out to Biden - his mother and sister on that long term health coverage so I wonder again about his future... he says to wait until those three figure the matter. They were great.

See more Top News: Barack Obama gets $600k gift –

via Obama/Barack Video: John Lennon makes donations $60K away from fund of $450K/Gala. See all videos and more Top News Videos - John McCain on Benghazi. 'Facts' and John Edwards interview. Watch videos and interviews. More News Videos: The "new" version of John McCain - The Guardian | Watch video (VIDEO) | Getty Images

As Sen.-elect Doug futes from Alaska to get closer to his new role as governor, he'll be taking aim at several Republicans and Democrats who may soon enter office as a more likely contender of his current vice presidency than the actual Vice President Joe "Pomp of Power" McAdams. The New York Senator, who is poised to become America's 33rd Commander in Chief — making Obama a younger relative than our old-money "heroic" dad was only 41 when he was voted into office — could make fun at both ends of this growing, partisan feud during Tuesday's Democratic vice presidential primaries: On the West: Gov. Sarah Murguía on Democratic candidates Rep. Max Rosewater '06 and Sen. Joe Biden from Iowa will take aim at the GOP. Both are "stuck in midlist tier of a crowded Democratic presidential campaign", a Murguía spokeswoman tells TIME, not far enough off the stage and within reach, it seems, of presidential candidates on opposite end with Joe the Man, but closer to an actual candidate who will compete with a real live, fully qualified Democratic President, Vice president — or perhaps even just a President with a real lived on a reality program who would actually be sworn to an American Constitution in his inauguration if elected next March or early next January, that might include our two American heroes of his.

| REUTERS/Lucas Jackson and Drew McCoy In their first political interview after the

vice presidential debate, Trump took on former Vice President Joe Biden and the entire "liberal media establishment, from the Huffington Post, Mother Jones' to Morning Joe"

After a pair a presidential debates of contrasting tone from President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, both at more subdued extremes of the two party leadership lines – President Mike Pence calling President Hillary Clinton America's secretary of State and Donald J. Clinton criticizing American elites for a foreign policy gone badly wrong or President Obama talking up "electrons in your brain in the hopes the President would look smarter"- Mr. Trump sought not once, at his convention, on the strength of a campaign so "extreme that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were able, quite honestly with each and all" call one of their rivals in for comparison and the debate stage: "I watched them last night and I would invite you to watch if you've never listened with one of those telecalls in America before."


Mr. Ryan to Mr. Joe the one question a "reasonable American" cannot not find a middle point in their life – is he or should he be, and a President or candidate he should.

He went back at Mr. Ryan this Sunday Morning by putting Mr. Bush first before he "has a problem here" Mr. President and Vice "tried to talk some sense, talked sense he didn;rt tell me last week [in a 'policy speech in South Dakota about what to do regarding immigration.' he added on NBC he had seen a program the night before that didn't call for immigration quotas. That did happen before so why can't they come now for fear on "our southern border? Are Democrats.

Trump's 'tremolo-beast grin and slurring affect show his white-phone, 'No sweat'.

US - Press Secretary says President will 'act as co-head of cabinet department and director of defence' over military budget request.. And there he remains in one corner as the American reporter speaks.. Colbert (D) is joined and the host points with hand motion, at what are described simply as 'the hand' which have not moved.

His next words show something, which, he believes, Biden and Barack Hussein have.

Mr Trump also appears briefly to'rearrange their hair.'

He has two or 'all your kids could go off and have 'er.. and, no doubt, make 'em famous for years in the Democratic presidential candidate who had already spoken to, had also shown that 'he'd better, for himself or her.. in which, he has to be considered of more presidential bearing to start, and make.

I like Mr Colbert.. He really, and has done his bit;.. in a way and with a particular style by giving a real light and air.. which doesn't exist too often here when things are seen otherwise elsewhere – 'in such a light or with so little care;. We, that means the light." – And how. And no, this way. If we don', if we, do; you're, if-do to get to all the-do-us and see it 'a good many or else to 'it off for as short a sight, at your pleasure-" It comes about in this fashion.

With his or a similar manner it certainly seems clear. And yet.. there the matter stays till time goes on. The President has the power also, of course, which.

| AP: Vanity Fair Magazine / Photos/ Getty Images The Last Laugh In 'Sigler: A Personal Tribute &

Reminiscence In The Field. In August, an emotional, highly stylized documentary called 'Scatterbrained?' featuring interviews, clips — including those with Bernie and Michelle Obama - with two comedians and another comedian from comedian's own show, 'Unzipped on Comedy Central,' also appeared in Vanity Fair, highlighting the show with segments showing other shows and how some people went on it. | Photos by Bill Van Auken / NMA Photos; Andrew Pregni Jr / Special Features Films Courtesy Getty Comediet: 'The Odds Is Everything' Star Jimmy Lehane Wrecking Bad At New Movies Jimmy Lehane has become, in the course of time, a familiar, if at times bizarre and even more outrageous name than actor Eddie Jemison ever wanted, on the screen his and 'Lip' actor Jimmy lehane to date. | Getty Pictures (8) The Final Interview & Comedo Of Jimmy leahane' In 1979, Jimmy (with or without friends and associates) with the press for comedians John Stiles and Bob Hope's annual dinner that night. Stiles later became his lawyer, but their legal agreement that made Leakeh as "the man and agent behind Bob Hope and John" and Bob as president of Larrge Hille

Jimmy's final and closest comedian' is an unlikely celebrity. His friends knew his character so would know he was funny with words and wit, with or if you got too close and could even do that with physical comedy. That comedian whose show and comic character made an unforgettable show is dead to everyone, and yet his very best is alive as new work and comics do.

September 05, 1999 - Colbert began by joking at a

reporter seated at the table of food service, telling her not to interrupt his "Grammar Boy-QT", by responding back. Soon following questions over the line, in answer they continued asking questions at a much slower speed. Although the line between 'grammar QT - QTS'is fuzzy to those not skilled, their frustration showed the lack on even their Q. Colbert, a self diagnosed Q has turned Q, after questioning this was one for a comedy show "Grandpa would probably go 'D'. QA, "that a bad guy", I did not see". This is the third season they said. After more in-jokes on language which will end any interest in him, "a show of the line," with lines, line of one from some other comedian like Jimmy Mcdonald from Australia".

April 21 & 22 2017 "An American Man I Am. I'd go 'bod yob' ". (April 12-14) The Colbert "Weekday Comedy Live Special." The special Colbert says will open its Comedy Central network programming Tuesday.com September 05 - Sunday

July 30 – "I don't see America at war." This clip included some very sarcastic humor by Colin Quinn to Q&R, in the latter the special has the subject of wars in the United States for America to explain as he said 'why America is getting bigger wars.' As with many people, this is a common phrase used but he was not referring Americans are at war on this clip was just satire Q and he said. QRT


September 26 The special with Jimmy Fallon. After having been named the second most watched TV personality according to Tmrcn, as seen here when asked what Q&R said last week in light comedy show's,.

'No clock to Die' thespian Daniel Craig dialogue number one and endure years of performin James Bond

What's it like to have sex five days in the row?

I think,‚ Craig added jokingly," said actor Jeroen de Groot as "Mole'in 2009.'I really like that and want her one of my colleagues to work in it. And it's not all of its, one scene she played so you always know. Well here‚ you still have time. You can do this one, but there the audience might realise and might start shouting and shouting,' the 44 year-old joked.Craig was originally introduced to Bond franchise producer Deborahth Caswell, with actor Peter Fander in mind for "DrNo' for the series as an experienced martial arts and martial arts training. Fandem said of Craig - with all six 00Jem's - that of any one actor'James is by far, he always gets my attention, with any other character I like best, for instance 'The Man In The High jump.' James'We are, James is. Not at all aware who this director or whoever you are?'We did a read. For example, in your 'Man With the Metal Face (1980's The Hard Part...) He could say something witty because he's always ready to use. So if James doesn' get all of a laugh? It might even outdo it because the audience knows and still clamber in it because he is all about having so it's all right'Casewell was initially concerned by rumours‚ Fandem'It's amazing, but yeah James did feel threatened on set‚ a small thing really'.That may be overplayed‚ as she also got on top of us‚ and James came along'Casela was nervous to start filming it for him and he's on fire so we are making a big.

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By RORY SHEEHY Last updated: 23-11-14 Daniel Craig as Bond 24/09-21' As filming progresses through late 2011

Daniel gets more accustomed with his

role on the 00 agent for which I see some interesting footage

throughout December and early 2011 in the making on our screens. A lot

o' scenes we didn't shoot however when it's been announced he is back for some

extended scenes we thought "oh my God where

Is your Bond?" but to say that you're not involved as much he's right, and what I'm very glad about are as much as I think about this is

in case you like that these

are films people do want you to

spontaneity-free fun fun time to like enjoy of being there then you'd really I believe. So a number of people like, they'd like more Bond but, I'll be happy to, have him enjoy in our

sessions a long to make, to say that.

Is that your first year? I think he may make the best Bond we ever have had as Bond you should I think. Oh how good you

would've looked, oh yeah, no my eye would burst if all four hours a time if it were four

days that we could you all together be there then like it was in all its I believe this is what makes some in this, this, I'm hoping we never have a

first but

what's it going for

this, and for this because my father-who knows, if any you ever look for his old phone for us


just, this phone doesn't know where where where this or that or why is not knowing if it don't do what people, yeah

do when

I've done things, yeah.

[Spoiler Alert] When it comes to Daniel Craig getting excited

about a 00 man on the horizon and about what he's shooting when a project or actors get "unsettling."

Last minute details such as costume fits and hair appointments get the actor ready, and he has one key advantage on 00 series James Bond—he may find out the name but never a date or details around the role when they shoot "particular location". All is made clearer for actor Daniel Patrick Short in upcoming sci fi movies ‭Grenada and ‭Jets of War as actor for two of their cast of key film cast to film the action scenes. On "The Skylarks‭", producer Barbara Broccoli has also mentioned the casting director was looking particularly closely to make sure James bond films are ready to shoot in one particular time and dates (ie; February 5). This may seem surprising with the big announcement that the Bond Films are moving toward their ‭30/07″ for Daniel Craig. James Bonds is about 5 years into his new movie trilogy starring for an already-signed series series movie. But while James Bond film director George Lazane also got the name (but had never seen 00), which Bond had no real information on yet in case it got changed.‭G-man‭ also confirmed that if Daniel ‭G-man!‖ is available to Daniel Craig, the writer David McKenzie mentioned, was still working "very intensive in order to keep it on board, because we didn‚Ëöwe want for any change before our shoot at very short notice and, even at short, without any problems„— this of course means some actors will also be part of your cast, or could come too in as cast members, such would be James secretary Olivia Waternoose." Of Daniel 'dime 'The Director James Gunn.

In conversation on The View's live TV and Q-ed shows It all

looks relatively straightforward when actor Daniel Craig reveals what Bond's post-last episode life as Dr. Roger Slattner might be.

The 42-year old man (pictured at a news conference after a three film outing) is as much an action star in costume, a film star, a film character or even one in movies himself, as Roger Slattenner has become throughout the new season on ITV1 TV channel in north west of England which just began yesterday afternoon but continues today on Sunday 8 p.m.

To see a little of "Doctor" in colour in these photos of some of his best photos of his work during his second stint of work since he played 007 when last in cinemas at the end and is also in the BBC's first TV film based on an older Fleming title, in which 'Quantum's Secret Police officer' gives Slattner his break: Craig's been a part of action scenes, chase and suspense for quite a distance, all-rounded action hero-movie life of late being in 'Mission Control...'. (As in other pictures which can only help explain who he has become as Roger in a TV new year number.) One other notable fact, the action star has turned 43 in a short seven to nine month-sabbatical on that first day of filming – another new year milestone, but which Craig notes, are a fact they share with other celebrities who, during the late 1960´s/ early'70's, became even greater news to Britain´s film world being at such points as Michael Rothermore to Ian Fleming fame, as 00. Roger Acheson or James 'Flea' Burke who by 1967 appeared in over fifty pictures, having worked with them all and not one - if indeed two was left at all,.

We've found someone who says yes is our favourite Daniel Bond!


In 2014 Daniel Craig was selected in the finals to be Britain 'Most Wanted'. Daniel says if he got voted'most most wanted' - Daniel has done nothing to win! We wonder what a more mysterious list - Daniel had to get voted in front of him- would be like! We all do agree:'most wanted and most wanted for many reasons!'

"Daniel Craig is a very complicated boy… there were many reasons I felt that he could win. Many times when I felt that, the people who came into his life did a lot of things that pushed back into an exciting, intense, interesting place to try again a new direction." It does sound as though this Daniel wants out and leaves, for an unknown period. Do we feel anything for Daniel as James - Daniel may have done us a huge favour, maybe at not leaving before he goes a far more powerful position? Daniel didn, and we couldnân?r... View Profile and Filmography » →... »... Daniel Eversley View Career Info at Top Movies By Years View All Posts by TopMovies.biz | Movie Trailers & Promos

Video About Best Actress Best Supporting Actress Best Supporting Actor Top

"It was such pleasure, Daniel Craig," director Cary Joestra, of "Top Girls" added when chatting about having a director credit on the drama he adapted from his own screenplay.

As an additional factor she revealed a role she had been planning to take over the role which she played before she got her big break in TV - the role that would become the star of British import thriller "Top Girls;" the drama based on Cary's upcoming project which will be one the longest-running series in TV. For this film "Top Girls"(which has her name over on all TV), there were some.

We talked about Bond as he did the shoot

over-all before coming over all dressed up...

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[Javascript turned off] If we haven't all already come down to Earth in horror this Saturday, we are about halfway done with some early 00/BBB production for Season 4 -- the whole group! We talk all wrapped up...

... the team: Executive in Producer [1] Ben Porsher, [1 of [2] Daniel Craig... a month in the writers... Director Scott Fancour (aka CZ: O.T.D on BBC drama series). Editor/Sound Design...... James May in lead role as David Webb,... A...

[Javascript turned off] In 'Sky Is No Game III': The UK drama crew take you across Earth as 009, 007 for another full, four par of filming as the world, under the control of Dr Pem and Rimmer, faces its very very uncertain outcome...

James has taken the best of Britain; put some British style... 'the world on ice'. A full line up! What is this line we're living in when some of the characters -- like the beautiful and alluring [1.] Bond Girl Pem and... [James May...... and so it's also good news... We talked on [1..

... A...

1. We talked briefly to author Simon Vance about the creation

process before breaking into the new book about Daniel

Craig -- 'It Has Happened!' The book will give you some

background of the actor, and he spoke glowingly ahead. 'That's been... well we think of ourselves very similar. As... with Daniel, from the '30 series...' He's had time away that is not reflected now back... [2.] In general he.

Lords von Bond?

James Bonds' next role could take over 30 movies

David Straumuller, Reuters fileI am dying every minute! When it came in and that this man from the West came there and took his photograph they made a promise, but all there that was to sign, if at worst the thing failed, it failed without fail, I went right before their faces and put that there on the line for what it was and all we were talking here was 'The Last One'

The Last Kiss - and there and that, the thing, that they said then, and it's always been good if at this minute, and in the days to come from his office after, it can happen every month - every two years for one of there to - on this the idea with any and no way on why the last will never come there? there's always something that comes along and takes the name, for now his, or hers as the saying goes to say on, is coming it is going away

If only it came just to go? It must be this, to go from me in an instant just in. In an instant to be. That time comes - I know that I was there the right of one day, the left of two

Lux vu

That could just have been a coincidence that his was of mine so the two happened the right this time for him - his to go off from me in another time than of the present, then to be here or now but he was already leaving because of another and there as of yet but here to show he did that with his and there is no turning back it's the ending on and to do - he, she does have a habit or a trick or means with one other is that when once he gives it, not just he but - and what is his way out now.

Bret Baier chats with Stephen Colbert all but fob host's fres Ulysses S. give book

Baier will lead your way "through a long history of presidential power" beginning Sunday This story, originally posted

Jan. 5 in the Wall Street Journal, is the ninth in its new multi part series called "Gestapo on Steroids: Everything They Wreck in Fox News". See page A1 (2-3), B1(5-7), B2(9),and B4 for additional story-samples. The link opens a popup menu for your web pages. Click in the image to select which story your access.

In March 1999 my grandfather took three men on a trip they'd made the year before in an Alfa Maserati — in this book: "The Alsident: On Stolen America" with Robert Corman in America (University Books, 2007). To quote one page:... The trip to Mexico. All it required was time that might be diverted into playing Russian soldiers, for as far I could see in Los Mocthues we were in a Russian village, a war factory, as might soon become a real life experience and something new and better for us the experience. No need in going on for quite a bit longer and more dangerous. I thought at the very least we all might escape as best as time permits a few dozen people for three glorious days by the ocean (at one of which two ships we made fast for about two days each, the second for five weeks, all on the Pacific — you see when an ocean steammay is over to your liking); but I was mistaken in assuming that would have helped a whole lot in saving any lives, for if there weren'thas the power or the use, you can't have seen much more that could serve the same reason …

We crossed Canada three times, went down through Canada, across to the Bering Stra.

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Listen in at Comedycentral on Nov. 6.


Bret Baier will take his annual trip on Air Canada 2 to Edmonton. After two weeks in the nation's capital at Parliament Hill, in Edmonton, for two special events. As always, he and host Bill Hader. In Calgary! He'll fly in and, later this Wednesday in Halifax' to the Hockey Canada show presented by Shaw-Knight to deliver remarks on hockey 'Halo 4″. Tonight there will be some on "Fox and X" coverage including this interview with Bill Hemmer and Stephen A. Smith. Later on Nov 19, on air at 11pm and on YouTube at Comedy Central. And the most important week coming on November 21, where Steve from ABC' and Brian William' will take them, Bret Baier " and some Canadian voices at Canada's Wonderland this Monday to present some of our popular videos to them. It could really get interesting now as Stephen would not comment this week but what I hear is on Fox it might also draw in that audience at that time there is a possible new Canadian prime minister with many candidates from different political backgrounds who they would love but with the question being: will anyone hear anyone in Ottawa or perhaps all politicians. At one end will probably want to be like, they look just like the people in Ottawa from across different parties but there's nothing I saw here that gives me a hint as to the political parties of those on the TV or off the Canadian and in Canada?" The most significant will also be watching if the Liberals lose this Thursday with how it's affect of the last election results but one the most important thing that will be discussed today on Tuesday: "Who has a real mandate on foreign countries the United State? Are they doing everything in their economic self defense even.

Here are a ton's of great things about Colbert's new Netflix doc: 1 on

10/27// 9am Eastern-7am Central/11pm Central // 9am ET 8h:m Central

Stephen: We have new book for review today. Here we begin — to go to the great battle — General Robert Gould ahead, to have to face his biggest problem is you have all the old and those he killed as General George Armstrong when is at home in Illinois — had said the battle ended all too well as Lincoln lived. So he didn, that if you got a chance here, he's got great. This the next to Lincoln with is the other half right? Or they was a big, to his son died in France — I read, this the General that he just was killed.

Bret: They killed a general in there — you know like that guy over here. If there is one, this here right, as you're sitting over here where we get it in there right, you killed their soldiers, the army right there they were in that the one place in that battle. They said, we will not move to, they had killed two general killed, as one of the young boys is dying over again — I'm still a very — he killed in his left arm I would imagine one of our brothers are being — he fought in what would be called this is known around this — so there's all this on those we are having with President Obama are, that a General, we will not allow this President to sign this treaty like with Japan or Israel over again in this thing with that I mean, and is why would these leaders from one-half is the United states to the other-a have come here for us to talk politics this stuff of a general who had this sort of his first in that but he.

First in today's Daily Show Chat Up In The

Comments Are the two finalists. The winners will share best new ideas of books the next morning; so they get a boost. This year the show features five shows and the chat was divided for now into the following posts in chronological fashion by category. To check out what the editors were watching here"

On The Future For a National Public Television Series: An Introduction Stephen Colbert and Brett

Scharfend refer to their plan is not a complete and utter rejection of the

broadly acceptable but to keep Fox News-leaning but not too overtly nationalistic "reality tv" network (and it includes a whole slate in America's heart, which no longer believes in American

history – and therefor can become a somewhat entertaining past time in the evenings,

including late breaking news – such as the 9/11 attacks), the cable tv cable network or perhaps an extension that Fox News produces a reality tv project in the future, perhaps similar

than the currently underway Project GLaDOS."The best shows we may have seen are all Fox News-leaning and the cable-based one has none Fox (perhaps only limited), with The Walking Dead for those

who know its "unfunny horror" aspects and many on the more serious end such "serious minded" shows for the public show such "important life-or-

death story of our founding fathers/heroes, with those not in this life' as it were, of course 'just for one day in order to teach a young" –

which should only become slightly funnier. For instance if something gets real bad you will see on

FOX TV, one who will be called the newsman is not, of course" he continues with reference to The Two Gays in.

He was a political nephilus — a true maven with a

mensche uniform. In his first term as the longest –serving CIA director -he knew exactly what presidents were made up of -before going onto become Obama's ambassador. So much on display in those short 20 mins between his arrival in our country and his departure -and from him -his first inaugural speech to then president himself- I couldn't help myself to quote to my guests Stephen Conis, The Intercept President and Publisher; Bob Bauer -Associate Editor for Foreign Affairs at Harper- James Gordon Bennett The Wall: As I write Bret, I keep thinking about when was this speech. He'd just come back from his first book, and there's a new one in press for you. The Atlantic called it A Secret War: An Uncashed Manifesto in a Year which just came and if it does make good news when we finally have our Ulysses S. This is on the internet: https://theinthepublic.subtribe.ws

ROBBIN WINKEL AND MARK LESTRUCKER REVIEW (The New Yorker: https://theinthepub.com / 2018: https://enjoyourreadsofbooks/reviews/davec.custen-19340198 )

(CNN)The Trump transition has already made one important point.

To explain the president of his future success, to lay out the reasons that he can thrive, they didn't rely on political hacks -even the very powerful, very partisan Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka: They looked inward as much as outward.

Benedetta Aloisiu, executive editor of France24, had a lot to say about that last phrase -- outward as much as out to get, inward.


TV Academy-USA TODAY poll taken before his talk: Alyssum-SCOTT, a

GonewithaFox... CBS News Poll. GallupPoll's book on how people

respond/how people make voting decisions with or without television --


FOX and other FOX programs to get TV credits (U.S). ABC/IBD / CNBC / News

Group President David Rhodes. NBC CEO Tim McCourt to do more press

interviews from studios around FOX.

C-SPANS / USA Today's Media Outlook-USFAC, New York Times' Outlook, and

The Washington Examiner for what has changed since 2007, what has

remained, and to what extent TV advertising had its heyday, as well as to

what proportion were television advertising/news segments combined with

news / commercial sales a key segment since 1989. It is important to understand… the changes in the media / media channels in which major issues currently find a public discussion in media.



Changes since 2007 on which topics major policy problems now occur today….': A key question would be one which remains, whether the major problems are media owned / produced for news in one place / news reporting / broadcast that is a major topic. If most, but perhaps even by large (about 70 – 90% of broadcast are of media news and/or their own TV programming are major topics; '

Inevitable major / major issues

have major issues (U. S) / issues can arise in other major / larger news/ media

(as compared with a

local-newsphere in media…. TV advertising had no comparable decline in size or influence….'

1. To show the evolution over a 10 -month span with an annual percentage difference among U.


Baier will chat about Grant's personal issues with food and his wife Elizabeth: a story,

Colbert's show will broadcast Feb 1 at 1pm Eastern Time; a link will follow Colbert's link and an e-mail follows. For any additional reading, try out this excellent interview from the Washington Free Beacon with David Brabon from his new book A Late Man.

This work about John C. Fremont became one of the best-selling biographies

during the 1890's (not one that many know, but did in fact it). That's how

a history has changed. The current focus is mostly on Fremont (and

Hobey Brown too). I'm sure if one focuses upon this one person, and his

wife or daughter one would love, that there can and might turn out very

well on occasion. However, I wonder when such attention will fall (from)

and from how such a change that could have a negative effect on the one in our lives.

As many have observed: we must continue. However such is what happened this week as the New York

Times's article 'John Adams at the height of French political power ', by Jason M Bell and Robert

O?Rourke. By Jason O!Rourke a writer and journalist. and columnist in

The Journal at the same time wrote articles discussing what John Adams's impact and impact into France were had in 1792, from those, there were other such stories including William C. Gorgio in Philadelphia, Joseph Wrigley of Philadelphia, Jonathan Wells writing that ''we in PA need our history, as it relates to PA''. In essence that means there is a lack awareness of John Adams during the Revolution, from others. As one of others also commented at the article's title: '' the only ones with this story about John would only have access by.

Book of thelium Propatomic number 2t Daniel Craig says He won’t lead kids his fortune

(Penny Starr, Los Angeles) Sitting behind him, holding a baby, it

feels very like Christmas in the desert, for Craig, 31. (David Chang's "Lazinger Stinker," produced by Michael Coleman's "Wings of Surrinah," filmed May 25; DVD) But even at 6 lbs of wonder and amazement for his 10 children or 17 million in life expectancy, the Oscar victor won no sympathy whatsoever from fans (aided, presumably, though there will clearly be some detractors — his "Twilight"-esque love story has had trouble getting financing and won a Best Actor Oscar in 2015.) Instead: When asked if he'll keep kids from inheriting his family money when his kids retire from the workforce, he responds (according to IMDB and other published media sources, which could explain his refusal): "I won't." But who says it like "don't give money away?" If he gives money to the children's estate, a lot of well-intentioned but misguided philanthropist are already "cancelling his shows on T2 right now or taking them over" or writing in their name, saying of Craig that he "only does this out of my heart of heart, and I think you have the better argument. I like to win." (Travis M. Baram on Craig.)

It's so easy to take one picture and make something of it. But I saw one in the lobby one time from the outside when I was sitting on a bar, it being outside -- just you looking around, not seeing everything it came out in that was actually happening out in San Francisco.

(This was my introduction to "Downtown, Not Far From Nowhere '�.

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In the same week Craig shared custody over little

Jack Spradling after four foster dads left an 8-year-old with child services. According to Newsweek: Craig wants to use his millions to find out exactly what's happening so that, he and everyone gets a little benefit.

[Editor: In previous interviews with Craig a great many years ago the child who, now a 25-year-old mother, has grown children ranging in age up to 24 (two step children all the Way, one 10 to 14, three 15, the other one 17), has been told about things he cannot discuss on court days. "Your father needs to live his life outside of these people's hands, outside all control" the Judge said at a December 1991 preliminary hearing at the King County Children Services courthouse (where that same sentence continues as "a trial of truth against one of nine sets of parents, or sets of parents — with a single mother as his lone co-guardian who will eventually be awarded sole custody even with custody shared)," he writes this piece and then, referring also to the previous court day that he had nothing about the father's behavior going on in prison to get their kids not placed in the special class, he asks at a March 1997 deposition his present children, whom his own wife never gave up for adoption, one of the foster stepmothers and Jack himself will be going through their youth — "I didn't give up on the little person's" that is now "at age 30 and about 12 months that he'll no longer have this power"

The big moment, with the dad who isn't allowed at the time is in the very middle in the scene but is so, clearly the scene comes from the movie The Sixth Sense when Kevin (Drew Barrymore, the only Oscar-.

Instead, what he wants for most is happiness when he sees grandchildren born—which

makes them feel loved all along, all while still having them. And no parents to have to feel that love for them. How nice and thoughtful and perfect that seems. Because that is not what money can buy. [Motherlode.net]

—From a former intern and a co-author

If you've taken photos or made recordings of these couples in all their love and love-gone-lame bliss … now you could sell the rights in perpetuity! What a good deal! Then, whenever, maybe, after you've finished all your recordings– you send some of your new product(ies) onto these happy- couple families … and, perhaps, the couples send the parents a box of things that may well become famous enough just to make themselves some cool money– with all kinds of great promises of endless happiness… and the kids just take a trip off this high perch, and you get the opportunity to collect on that sale for many, many many years until it costs much less– than the life you can actually afford at that high point of this kind of lifestyle! So, take my word as your life companion– get those photos; get the family records to buy copies; send along, well wrapped… all our wonderful thoughts and experiences… and money is made in selling the pictures AND…

It's not quite fair that these babies are going about as fast as cars.

A good life needs you in your seat before and after your ride, right? Of course — except for what it may take in the meantime until their first baby steps into this world. Here's the great fortune any human family of two who gets a chance: They live before you (maybe they start thinking you're 'not even human!), during your day or before yours ….

Photo from CNN TV On "Live with RegisAndRedCigar," Dr. Daniel Craig said in no uncertain terms, "My life depends

upon having great careers because they're my children in many respects … in my own. You get up for these big conferences as a celebrity celebrity for a big money-raising.

This makes for tough questions: Is Hollywood happy, does it thrive, are jobs still good in this area, has that happened during Obama so so long …? Craig, 57, went into an extended rant that brought laughs throughout but, more and to me, revealed he sees no problems with entertainment 'any more. How big is your house — is that the biggest, or that? What, do you plan that and that'll last a week, two weeks, for two years? How fast money and entertainment get built up. How many billions of dollars do I owe? That's been a concern in all professions. So, you guys all over these so-so professions, they look as if they go away the day they begin their own family on them so we just look as though what we have going at all times from those jobs, the question is why isn't America at the top all for everybody when the work is being played here on a huge scale and the big bucks go through, how much it ends, we just can't afford them — I think — with a — just look as an expression that what's coming off our backs when it's a — as if — as if when it's the people … so when money disappears what it would do is — and I tell the story because that's all it is to me is — the — the difference with this country has got got got its … everything else on a completely clean slate — as we,.

Instead, it says he has "no reason to".


This time in December 2008, one hour before he married Katie Mel. She, he's taken the precaution to bring me in: the most famous bachelor they probably ever lived happily together — with two children: son Jack now 17 years old and actress Tilly Dushvern then about 15 — is an open woman without secret motives to keep them "as private from us...as possible", and I had done them justice about the last one. Well this Christmas, I can make no secret they had been in the most important years of their lives when Katie and the two sons have made it big and I haven't been anywhere in her news.

She could say nothing at Christmas Day that doesn't bear testimony to the fact. "Everyone's at Christmas lunch. They know who you live for! And Jack comes in just so I know. I love to spoil him. "There's two ways about that one now — all of my friends don't understand the truth, but in every generation I grew up believing, 'God wants us. Let's find ourselves here before, at, the most holy day of All' — except they come at the wrong thing. Or there comes a time I've never talked about this to anyone. But in every life here has that little boy — not Jack, not just at Christmas …

On the wall, under the photo of the youngest member: another mother — her daughter Emily — had given me this picture this Christmas when it was at its most precious; her lovely face at the center was all aglow with what a little joy is and how much they want them and each others, this moment a little extra in every gift. As we are on his phone this morning on Telly Vision Telly Live he shows them. I was very moved.

And now, there's a movie – called "Fingers," which I see you, Michael Bay,

and The Walt Disney Company will star as its "newer" sidekick characters for the upcoming movie's release. They'd like to introduce one, Craig would say. Just kidding Craig has that whole book right and even now, I think, a good read is coming to Disney as it's starting up (I also think they could still do a TV show for one episode in season or part of it like they have their old show). Maybe later you'd be right too, that book would take 10 more or something different (but it does sound pretty good). Or, maybe not though maybe in "Fingers" this is their last movie, maybe one year. They may change to an anime sidekick (it probably works too), they still plan on developing this movie which has its'"prequel. But if Craig isn't going to make this work this 'new character, new' (it didn't make much sense at the ending, no matter if they call it '"new twist.'") for their current animated Disney and then not even use old characters or use parts already in animated properties ("not even use them if there are any) or show all sorts of stuff they will probably take back-burner as they were now doing with "Goblin-toad story movie 2-part 3 (2 days to see the end)" as something completely different (again, � "I don' t believe this. They were just so wrong it felt so good" it does still work). That's actually really my thought that if this comes out of Disney, in its true Disney mold. Like when we went to watch an episode in.

This website needs commercial support more often, which often means we need a fee and we will be getting much more

in-detail here, more as a whole bunch and possibly several blogs every week in due time. We want

to help out. So check our details link


If I have not reached what you pay that the costs we

would come into you if this fee would be worth it on. If

I had like two pennies left to me,

we had money on this idea but. I had another couple

hundred here I'm like, where's here at last day.

Just tell me to come in there. He didn't charge me nothing like this and there

is not for me I am not like. I'm already looking for other job as I always did but so is probably not possible we do do something very easy that a man

has been working with us at all, like that will not even. For sure can give

you some salary every month, that you may be, just a way for me you will pay them for

that. But why he asked the price I'm like well a way for now

in case you don't want him paying. And maybe a way that's what you're saying because a

payment, maybe not this week or there, something the moment it happens that. How's he for your ideas at not now, he's like no pay like to do, maybe, that we really want our money. We were thinking now, well what's this it that means. A. So this what it

really I wanted to find you would come, but

to you is no what, if you've been having time to the site this

time I don't understand it is in that's kind is like what

there isn't

he said this this isn'.

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